Saturday, October 15, 2011


I decided to join the website Goodreads this week and boy am I happy that I did. They have so many cool functions on their site! My personal favorite is listing the books you've read or want to read because if you're like me, you have a ton of books you want to read and keeping track can be a pain! They also have book giveaways you can sign up for and I was pleasantly surprised when I checked my email today and realized I won a book! The book is The Corporate Witch by Amy Difar and I cannot wait to read it! Once I receive the book in the mail I will be posting a review here and on Goodreads! Who doesn't love free books??


  1. Since you like books so much as do I, I will give you another good reason to be on goodreads. Under explore look for giveaways and you can get those books you want to read free. All you need to do is write a review on there after you read it. I write reviews there and on various other sides. I was here checking you out before I accepted your friendship on goodread.
    I am 61. I have been blessed with two grandchildren - a boy last Nov. and a girl - this Oct. I also have two beautiful step-grandchildren.

  2. Squiresj -

    I actually just posted my first review on a giveaway book the other day! I've won 2 more recently and I am waiting for them to come in the mail, very exciting. Thank you for accepting my Goodreads request :)
